Saturday, September 6, 2014

Continued Uniqueness While Forever Becoming More and More Like the Father

I think in Heaven we will continue our journey to become more like the Father, we will have an eternity to work on it, so maybe “someday” we'll get pretty close. So, does this mean eventually there will be a bunch of identical creatures occupying Heaven? If so, then what was the point of our experience while on earth, of giving us each unique DNA, of creating us with different strengths and different weaknesses, of allowing us to experience different joys and different sorrows? If he wanted sameness, I think he would have bypassed earth and just created us ready-made, purely spiritual beings.

Rather than becoming more and more the same, I think that though some aspects of us will do that, we will actually become more different and unique. Because though we may all be becoming more and more like our Father, our Father is so complex, so “huge” a being that we will never become “large” enough to encompass this vastness. Our experiences, our DNA, our uniqueness puts us more in tune with some particular aspect of God which we better understand than any other being and through eternity we will better come to personify that aspect, and in so doing become more unique and different than the beings around us who are better learning to personify some other aspect of God.

A part of why I think this way is the image of us, as a whole, as the Body of Christ. Each of us are a part. I am the left earlobe, you are the right eyelid. Given eternity I will never be the whole body, you will always be a part of me as I am a part of you. We will grow, we will change, I into a better earlobe and you into a better eyelid. Together, all together, we will come to look more like Christ and our Father. We will continue to learn to function as one, to share what we experience of heaven and God but I think we will forever remain different parts.

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